Facultatea de Drept din IAŞI

168 years from the establishment

International Conference Legal perspectives on the Internet. COPEJI 6.0. Law at the confluence of Universes. Where to?

COPEJI 6.0. Homepage

The Faculty of Law at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Doctoral School of Law, in partnership with the Faculty of Informatics and Wolters-Kluwer Publishing House organizes on October 29-30, 2022

International Conference Legal Perspectives on the Internet. COPEJI 6.0. The right to the confluence of two Universes: where to?

The evolution of technology leads to pessimistic visions of the present and future of the human being, whether he lives in a physical reality or "enjoys" the promises of the metaverse [Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash].

The law has the resources to cover the needs of both worlds and to provide protection, both to the participant in the flesh in social life and to his avatar.

In this 6th edition of the conference, we invite you to find smart ways together to reconcile the two worlds for the benefit of all their inhabitants. Papers are welcome that deal with circumscribed topics, both legal issues related to technology in the real world and in the virtual world or located somewhere at their confluence. The conference is aimed at academics, PhD students and practitioners, as well as computer scientists concerned with the legal side of their work, as an opportunity to debate and identify ideas for resolving the complicated interdisciplinary connections caused by the use of the Internet. The organizing committee invites the participants to an oral presentation of the works that are limited to the topic.

Topics in any field related to the use of the Internet can be approached, and the elaborated papers will be published, after peer review, in a Special volume (under an evaluation of the relevance of the study - only English papers) or in the Scientific Annals of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Legal Sciences series, journal indexed in international databases Hein Online , DOAJ and CEEOL.

The following topics related to the conclusion and execution of contracts in the virtual space are an exemplary list: cybercrime, human rights (right to privacy, right to free speech, etc.), e-government and online administration, employee protection, internal e-commerce and international, e-banking, unfair competition, consumer protection, personal data protection, intellectual property protection, artificial intelligence, etc.

Conference registration:

Each participant in the conference can register with a single paper.

The deadline for registration for the conference is September 15, 2022.

Papers will be written and submitted in English or Romanian. 

The deadline for submitting the paper is 1st of November 2022. 

Faculty of Law

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